Meet Our Psychologists and Practice Team

There are many practices out there that offer similar services and products,  however, each practice has its own unique way of doing things. Each practice thinks different too. There is so much to be said about our unique corporate personality, which is made up of a mix of great people who are evidence-informed practitioners, researchers, and academics. We are a dedicated team of psychologists and people managers who work hard to ensure people develop, professionally. We aim to make our clients happy, and feel safe and well at work.

Chartered HCPC-Registered Psychologist, Scientist and Coach. Practice Director and Science Advisor.

Business Psychologist and BPS Test User. Private and Public Sector projects. Facilitator. 

Business Psychologist and BPS Test User. Private and Public Sector projects. Facilitator. 

Dr Joana Suta

Business Psychologist, Coach, and BPS Test User. Associate.