Promoting good mental health is important today, tomorrow and forever. What are you doing to care for yourself and others?
Promoting good MENTAL HEALTH is a priority!
Mental Health Awareness is important to us, and we always do our best to ensure convesations are being had about what ordinaty people and organisations can do to promote good mental health. Coupled with this, this week 18th - 24th May 2020 is officially referred to by the Mental Health Foundation as Mental Health Awareness Week. It is an annual campaign aimed at raisiang awareness of mental health to "inspire action to promote the message of good mental healt for all".
In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the theme selected is KINDNESS, and most events this week will be focusing on the relationship between ‘kindness’ and our mental health. How can you contribute?
Random acts of kindness: Use the extra time you have to make contact with others you know. Sening emails, texts, or even making a phone call to another to check on their wellbing are acts of kindness. Giving somebody your time is a precious gift that most will appreciate. So, use this week to make contact with the people you care for.
Spread the word: Use the hashtag #WorldMentalHealthWeek on social media and share any stories you have found inspiring during these times. The more positivity and kindness we can spread via our social channels, the better.
Be kind to yourself: make a specail effort to reflect on how well you are doing to care for yourself during this pandaemic period. Remember, self-care includes mental, physical, social, and emotional acts of care.