'@issuesatworkclinic' 'issues@workclinic' 'issues@work' 'issuesatwork'

We offer specific clinics to help you address work-related, careers, academic and business issues.  


The Issues@Work Clinic

Description: The Issues@Work clinic is intended to help individuals deal with personal and occupational-related problems that might adversely impact their performance at work as well as their health and well-being. Some of the issues we deal with include:

- work-related anxiety

- imposter syndrome

- resistance to change

- confidence and self-esteem

- procrastination and underperformance

- work-related stress

- mental workload

- bullying in the workplace

- academic stress 

- career change

- conflict and personality clashes

- unconscious bias

- wrong-doing and unethical behaviours

To book an appointment, call us on (020) 3368 6788. Alternatively, book an appointment by clicking on the following link: Book Clinic Appointment

How do I book an assessment/session? send us a text via toppi mobile: 07946 226 232 or send an email to [email protected]

How can I pay for my assessment/ session? Please follow the link to our shop or call us to make payment

 The Career & Psychometrics Clinic

Description: Discover more about your personality and career interests.  Discoover the aspects about work that makes you tick... find your ideal job role and stay satisfied working.  This clinic provides the opportunity to undertake a range of assessments and receive feedback about your profile.  The service is managed by a Chartered Psychologist. 

How do I book an assessment/session? send us a text via toppi mobile: 07946 226 232 or send an email to [email protected]

How can I pay for my assessment/ session? Please follow the link to our shop or call us to make payment

Academic Coaching Clinic

Description: This type of coaching provides students with the chance to work individually with an Academic Coach to enhance their academic skills, self-management skills, gain confidence, discover motivation, and improve performance.

Purpose and benefits of academic coaching sessions:

 How can I pay for my assessment/ session? Please follow the link to our shop or call us to make payment